sorry i haven't been keeping up with this. i've had lots of good stuff, just no motivation. things at work are crazy busy and i just don't feel like posting. i will leave you with a pic of my christmas tree which i put up a couple weekends ago. i also have pictures of the kittens helping, but will post them another time.
I illustrated a really fun Christmas campaign involving cheesy sweaters and fruit cake. I may post it eventually. The client liked it so much they might use me for some side work in 08. Cha-ching! Got some invitations lined up too. And I might be working on the Nashville Roller Derby logo, which could score me "season tickets." Haha. Didn't think the Roller Derby even had such a thing.
I'm driving home next week and am EXTREMELY excited. I miss my family.
We're getting an extra paycheck at work AND $250 to donate to any charity we want. Each employee gets $250 to allocate wherever they please. I'm giving mine to a food cupboard back home. I think they could use it. I've been getting really involved in church. I was a torch-bearer last Sunday. I really like my church. Feels homey. I like that. And the spiritual boost is always a plus.
That's about it. I still have tons of shopping to do, Christmas parties and whatnot. I think this is the most excited for Christmas I've ever been.
p.s. happy late birthday to kevin, if you read this. i really should call.