
AIGA Leadership

Conference. That's where it's at. I've been hanging around Omaha since Wednesday night for the AIGA Leadership Conference. I've been able to meet folks form AIGA chapters ranging from Portland, ME to Portland, OR and all the way out to Hawaii. I've met AIGA peeps from almost every state. All I have to say is AIGA is populated by some quality people. Rather than being a creativity-oriented conference like most I've been to, this one focuses on, well, leadership. It's very motivating and inspiring to see what other chapters around the country are up to, to chat with Debbie Millman about programming, or schmooze with Honolulu's president, or eat lunch with DC and Arizona chapters. And not to mention checking out everyone's collateral.. amazing!

And the best part is, everyone is down to earth. Just a super-cool, laid back fun bunch of people. All talented, all hard workers, all dedicated, all passionate, and did I say all fun? Yes. All fun.

After waiting almost an hour for a shuttle, almost getting hit by a car, a social at the local art gallery (read: free drinks.. and some Dale Chihuly sculpture), double-fisting said free drinks, watching Phillip give crap to a bouncer, foosball at a local bar.. I'm chilling out for the next 15 minutes before heading out to the next round of parties. Rooms 534/524/622 are where it's going down! Oh yeah. We may be design nerds, but we still know how to get down. You should see the looks on the locals' faces! Oh boy! 40+ design geeks in one local bar is quite the sight to see!


I heart drawing

I don't do this* near often enough... and I miss it.

*By this I mean drawing. Not to be confused with hula dancing.