It's been a little while since I've written and a lot has been going on, so this one's going to be a long one. (Because it's not like I have work to do or anything)..
Part one: work
So far, work is going really really well! I'm designing a logo for an even in the fall and the theme is '50 years of Rock and Roll' which I'm having fun with. I'm getting back into some illustration with it.. it's going to be neat when it's done! I'm also in the process of designing a website for a client which isn't a HUGE website, but it's the first one I've been allowed to design from scratch, so that's been a lot of fun so far! I've also been working on a lot of ads for a book which I'm also (pretty far behind on) designing. And I just designed an email newsletter for the Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce, as well as numerous other small projects. I love all the creative freedom I have! Not to mention how much stuff I'm getting to learn. I've been learning all sorts of stuff about web design too. This last week I've been teaching myself about perl/cgi scripting and how to install/create cgi programs. SO, basically, work is going swimmingly and for the most part (aside from a disgruntled client here and there) everything is quite peachy on that end.
Part II: home
Home has also been going well. No major fights or anything, lots of little spats, but nothing major. My parents went to Philly over the weekend aaaaaaand...
My mom passed her citizenship test!!! yeah mom!
So as soon as my mom's sworn in, she will cease to be Canadian and will become one of the masses. (Personally, with all the turmoil as of late, I'd probably rather be Canadian, but I'm still super happy for my mom! This is a huge accomplishment for her)
Part III: friends
Over this past weekend I made my way down to kutztown for some visits and it was super fun! Went out Friday night with Kris, Erik, and Rachel which was a total blast! I saw and received hugs from SO many people I hadn't seen in forever! (the thing I love SOO much about going out in kutztown as compared to bloomsburg is how at kutztown the WHOLE night consists of hugs and free drinks, where with bars in bloomsburg it's like being back in high school.. not exactly my idea of a fun time)
Saturday I spent the afternoon shopping with Karen which is ALWAYS enjoyable! And Saturday night I hung out with Kevin, got chinese, watched North Country, and became addicted to the game, Settlers of Catan, which is a really awesome game.. and I'm not much one for board games..
Sunday I talked Erik in helping me shovel out my car and then came home. So the weekend went by FAR too quickly, but it was awesome! I missed everyone sooooooo much!!
Also in the friend category, I'm aiming to make it back down to Tennessee to visit Jenna and go to Bonnaroo! Which I'm totally excited for! Just Radiohead alone will be amazing to see let alone all the other bands.. Beck, Bright Eyes, Ben Folds, Tom Petty, Blues Traveller, Death Cab, etc. etc. Definitely worth eating up some vacation time!!
That's it for now, must get back to work.. Watch out ads, here I come!
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