
Getting my Run On

As mentioned numerous times, back in October I came up with a list of goals I want to accomplish by my 25th birthday. One such goal is to run a 5k and I've recently set out to make this a reality. I found a running schedule in a magazine and am currently on week three. I'm signing up for a race in June.. I'm still not sure which race I want to sign up for. There's one the first weekend for the Brentwood Public Library and one later that month called Elli's Run for Africa. I'm pretty much definitely signing up for the Africa one, but not so sure I'd even be ready for the first one. We'll see. Either way I'm excited. Running feels good. I really don't like doing it, well, after I'm done running I like it, it's just getting myself to do it that's the hard part. So far so good.

In other news, I bought a WordPress book off Amazon that should supposedly help me figure out how to create a blog from scratch. I'm looking to accomplish something similar in idea (not design) to Jason Santa Maria's or Kevin Cornell's but not near as in depth. I just want to be able to code it and personalize it myself without having to download a "skin" or "theme." I think this book will help with that. I understand all the basic components of a homemade blog, just not the exact code or where to put things.. I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to PHP and databases. Anyway, this should be a fun endeavor! :-)

There are some other things I want to start working on, and I'm going to be posting pics of the kids I volunteer with soon. I've got three weeks left of volunteering with Jobs for Life then I'll have my Wednesdays all to myself! Kind of a bittersweet feeling. I relish having the extra time in my week, but am really going to miss the kids.

I could ramble on a little more, but there's coffee in the kitchen that's calling my name.

1 comment:

Jenna Woginrich said...

this is great taylor, really