
Complaint Department

I'm on a rant, about myself. I irritate me. I've been super lazy lately and I blame summer. The three weeks of 3-digit degree weather have taken it's toll and have made me want nothing more than to become a couch appendage. There's a change on the way folks.

I feel it. Physically, it feels nothing like fall and there have been no giddy emotions knowing October is around the corner. In fact, the idea of an 85 degree day sounds like heaven about now, but all that aside, I think subconsciously my body knows fall is on the way. I want to make something, do something, create. I've been far too lazy. I need to go out and see shows, cut back on sleep, get back into really studying PHP, sudoku, logic problems, draw, hike, cook, knit. I want to learn to sew and make stuff. I'm knitting a bag right now with yarn I've had for years. I learned the stockinette stitch, I mess up a bit, but it's pretty easy. I took a page of my sketchbook and filled it with ideas of things I want to make. I wish I had taken some crafts classes at KU.

Anyway. I've been in a funk and it's high time I forced my way out of it. Fall does this to me. The weather may deceive, but my body and brain know. They know there is change on the way and I need a part of it. It's time for some personal growth! YEAH! I love learning new stuff. Makes me feel accomplished. PLUS I'm finally joining a gym, which I've been saying I'm going to do, but due to various uncontrollable circumstances, I have to wait until Monday to join.. but watch out kids! Come Christmas-time, I'm going to be a whole new Taylor. Better, stronger, smarter and full of goodness (and homemade presents galore!).

Keep an eye out on some more posts. I've got some that are overdue that I need to get out and some just for fun. PLUS!!!! I'M GOING TO IDAHO FOR MY BIRTHDAY/HALLOWEEN TO VISIT JENNA!!!!!!! I'M MORE EXCITED THAN YOU COULD EVEN BEGIN TO KNOW! ROCKY MOUNTAINS, MOOSE, MONTANA, HIKING, FRIEND AND PETS OF FRIEND, AND POSSIBLY SNOW? yay! :-D


HEATHER said...

i took a ton of crafts classes at KU, particularly fibers. so if you want to learn how to felt, knot, embroider or anything similar, i can point you in the right direction. or, better yet i can show you when you're visiting knoxville next month!!

i feel you on the being lazy because of the heat thing. i don't have airconditioning in my car, so i'm pretty much a total blob when i come home and i hate that. it rained here FINALLY last night so hopefully it will start to cool down a bit.

Jenna Woginrich said...

glad you're coming out to see us up here!