
All's Good in the B-burg Hood

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well-wishes! My dad's home, getting in plenty of relaxation and boring TV shows. I've been spending today hanging out couch-side with the ol' man, watching Rachael Ray and talk shows. I feel like I'm home sick from high school. Tonight Morgan and I are going out for some coffee. I REALLY wanted to go see 30 Days of Night, but sadly, Bloomsburg's lameness is ever prevalent and it's not showing in the area. Boo. Tomorrow my parents are taking me to the airport and tomorrow night I'm headed to the Roller Derby! And probably out Sunday night for my Bday. I'm definitley headed to church Sunday morning and might head in to work for a little bit Sunday to catch up on some revisions before Monday. We'll see. It will be nice to get back to Nashville. It was SO wonderful seeing my family, and my dad's doing great, but I do miss my apartment and my bed.

Emma sent my dad a HUGE box of fruit and cheese from Harry and David. I really do work for a phenomenal company. Emma gave me a whole week off to be with my family and sent my dad a beautiful get well gift. We really are blessed.

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