
Regional Verbage

Everyone is familiar with pop vs. soda, dinner vs. supper, sprinkles vs. jimmies, hoagies vs. subs etc.

I learned a new one over the weekend. On your car, when you turn your lights on high, I call it your "high beams" as does my family and friends back north. I was in a rental car in MN driving down a woodsy road and had to use my high beams and remarked how it's been awhile since I've had to use them (Nashville's a pretty well lit place). My friend Jessica didn't know what i was talking about. She insisted they were "brights." She had never heard the term "high beams" before.

I found that kind of interesting.


Hilary said...

I call them "brights" too. Never in my life have I heard the term "high beams." That's ridiculous!

Hilary said...

P.S. Sadly I am now officially allergic to cats and dogs. Which means...if you get cats and a dog, I will never be able to go over to your apartment again. *sigh*

Jenna Woginrich said...

i asked around here and everyone was into brights. eh.

have fun in denver kiddo, our jasen is there. If you see a smary crewcut guy in prana, it's him. say hi!