
spare some change?

I'm feeling stagnant. I don't like it.

I feel like I need a change. I'm tired of this area. I'm dissatisfied. I'm nudgy. I'm just not comfortable. Every so often I get like this. Every couple years or so. I just want change. Not a little change, but something big. I'm not happy. There are things with my job that are bothering me. I don't have friends here (bloomsburg). I'm lonely. I'm not content.

I want something new. A new place, a new job, a new state. I want something fresh. Not something new like the latest model of Mr-fancy-car, but new like a book you've never read from a used bookstore. I want something new and exciting, but at the same time comforting. A good change. The kind of change that makes you scared and excited but welcomes you in with open arms. the kind of change that knows how scared you are but at the same time makes you happy times athousand.

I need to change some things within myself as well. I'm trying to dig a bit deeper, find some motivation. Motivation spiritually, physically, mentally, creatively. I I want to eat better (I'm going vegetarian for lent. I'm pretty excited about it) I have an awesome idea for a new self-promotional piece, and it should be really easy to make but is going to be really fun to put together so that helps me stay motivated about it. I want to update my website, I already updated my AIGA portfolio.

I want to go somewhere new, see new places. Meet new people. The people around here just don't pique my interest. And maybe it's not them, but me. I think that Bloomsburg just isn't the place for me. It's not where I fit, where I belong. I need to migrate. Yeah, that's what it is. Like when birds fly south. I need to shift. Not permanently, but for a while.

I want spring! For the first time ever I'm drooling at the thought of warm weather. I want to go hiking!! I want to be in the woods at least 3 weekends out of the month this spring. I've already been looking up trails. I need to move around. Being sick this week I've spent far too much time in bed and I feel like my blood is coagulated into one pile of sludge. The weather was so nice when I was home sick on wednesday and I was too weak to get up and go outside. It bothered me. I just want to be in the very middle of the woods surrounded by fresh air and the sounds of birds and water and just all of it. mmmmm.. that's my favorite.

I'm WAY too restless...

1 comment:

Jenna Woginrich said...

read your tayloriffic email